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Meeting for entrepreneurs in Warsaw
10 November 2022

On November 10, Oleg Khusaenov, CEO and founder of the investment company Zubr Capital, took part in a closed meeting for entrepreneurs in Warsaw. The partners of the event were the Ū Hub startup community.

What was Oleg Khusayenov's speech about? We have prepared some interesting theses and tips for you.

What makes our companies and ideas competitive?

The uniqueness of a product is when a company does something that sets it apart from its competitors (even if it's about the little things).

Fair wind. This expression is used in the Zubr Capital team to describe the market situation when a company operates in an industry that is growing due to changes in consumer behavior. For example, in the past, all people watched television. Now YouTube and other platforms have taken this place. This means that a fair wind is blowing in the UGC content market.

Leader – Team – Capital. When Zubr Capital invests in a company, the first thing we look at is the presence of a strong leader and a team capable of driving the product. And only if there is a leader and a team – Zubr Capital is ready to invest.

What helps an entrepreneur get going

The main thing: do what you really like. Favorite business is the best motivation to work

Learn to rest and take pauses. It is important to create a rhythm of work. Periods of high workload and rest must be alternated. Create a work schedule for the year. Add periods of active work and rest to the schedule.

Framework: strategy and KPIs motivate you to work and give you satisfaction from achieving goals. Do projects inside any of your work.

How to manage your time? 

Oleg Khusaenov told how to set up a time management system. If possible, do not keep a schedule yourself. Schedule all important dates and things at the beginning of the year. Instruct the assistant to plan the rest of the meetings. The assistant should know your priorities and should not spare you. And you will be surprised when you notice how much you manage to do.